Traders Support Club Training Programs & Packages

Three Programs Tailored Specifically To Your Trading Goals & Experience

Ali has over 20 years of live trading experience and 3 years of proven fund mangement track record, combined with 13 years of live coaching experience.

He and his team of have a clocked up over 15,000 hours of live trading and coaching time and they have brought all of their practical real time insighs into each of TSC's three program and packages.

Each one includes comprehensive live training programs, combined with proven trading strategies coupled with unparalleled live support and trader specific coaching.


Not Sure Which Of The Two Coaching Programs Is Right For You?

  • Book A Zoom Call Directly With Ali To Discuss Your Trading Goals In More Detail...

  • DONT WORRY! This is not a hard sell call some so called "strategy specialist", that's just a sales person.
  • Ali only works with a small number of people directly so he makes sure you are right fit for the training and we are a right fit for you.
  • That's why he does the calls personally - along with offering genuine actionable guidance during the session. th
  • He only has a limited number of call slots each week so please chose a time that works for you
  • Please turn up on time and sure you have access to Zoom in a place free of dictractions...

  • Click Here To Book Your 30 Minute Strategy Call